Thursday, May 10, 2012

A friend is someone that can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

I arrived in Philly last night around 6:30 pm.  I had a long layover in Nashville (3hrs) .  So it was a really long day of traveling.  I took a cab from the airport to the Penn Tower where Dani and Dion were staying.  They came down and took me to their room. Wow what a really nice room they have. And the view was beautiful!  You can the see the whole city of Philly from their room.  Its on the 17 floor! 
     Dani and Dion had a long day walking the city.  Thay actually made it to the Ronald Mc Donald House.  Dani got to tell them thanks for all that they did for us on our last visit.  She told them about how memorable it was when they had given us tickets to go to a baseball game and watch the Philly's play the Chicago Cubs. (free tickets and 100 dollars spending money) .  I volenteered to take a 14 year old boy with bone cancer on that trip too.  I'll never forget the 2 nice gentlemen that saw us there and asked us where we were from, after telling them we were staying at the RMH and a little bit about the kids, they came back later and escorted us to box seats in the stadium where the kids got a birds eye view of the game!  Dani told me that yesterday her and Dion donated 100 dollars to the activities fund at the RMH so that some other sick child can experience a day out on the town like she got to do.  At that moment my heart filled with so much pride for my daughter and her hubby. They are going through so much and still find the time to think of others and do somthing special for  another child. Wow what a special daughter and son-in-law I have.
     Dani also told me about a special friend she and Dion have.  His name is Travis. He took them to the airport to catch their flight to Philly.  She told me that on another occasion he had come to the hospital in Albuquerque and stayed with her. He waited the whole time while she was there and even took them to the pharmacy after she was discharged.   He took them home and stayed the night with them just in case she needed anything.  What a true friend!   This morning Dani called him and he prayed for them over the phone while we all held hands.  It was such a moving moment.  Travis, thankyou for being such a true friend to my daughter and her husband.  You are an awesome person!
      Dani also showed me a beautiful prayer quilt that her church made for her.  It is so beautiful!   Every single knot on the quilt represents prayers said for Dani.
     Right now im sitting in the cath ward  Dani is laying across from me in a bed waiting to get a heart cath.  Dion is sitting across from here and they are holding hands.  We will know more tonight after this cath is finished what the doctor decides to do.  The doctor told her the day before yesterday she needs 2 valves to be replaced instead of one. He said it very major surgery.  Dani wants him to proceed with the surgery.   She said is tired of the breathlessness she has been experiencing the last year. Tired of the dizzy spells... she wants this behined her and to be able to resume her life and finish college.  So tonight or later today when we talk to the doctor this is what she will relay to him. 
    It's a beautiful day here in Philly the sun is shining and there are no clouds.  I still have to go and check into my little house in the city sometime today.  Its only 2 dollars to ride the bus anywhere in the city for the day.   It will be my main form of transportation while im here.  I checked with the hospital and they have a transport office here.  At any time Dion can ask anyone in the hospital for assistance to get  anywhere he needs to be and they have ppl that will assist him getting around, and its a free service provided by the hospital.  I hope everyone is well back home.  I miss you my hubby  George!  I took this picture around 5 am this morning from  Dani and Dions hotel room to show you the beautiful view they have!  My love to all ...Vel


  1. Really, that is a beautiful post. We love you all and are praying. God is good.

    1. Hey ya'll... I have had you constsntly in my thoughts and prayers. The photo is great Velma... God is SO Good! Even if the view is man-made it's still an awesome sight. I want you to know everything @ work is going well and your kids are being well cared for in your absence. I heard they said some say they really missed you! (0: I am asking God to hold your all's hand in every part of this procedure, as you wait , and as you recover, Miss Dani. I ask that the pain be minimal, and your peace be GREAT... I ask that He give you sweet rest and sleep as you endure the things to come in getting you better; and I ask that God give the Drs Wisdom beyond even their own understanding in giving you the best care possible. I love you girls, know that you are being prayed for by many, and mighty things are wrought through the prayers of the righteous people of God. Keep us informed, I love hearing all the tales of everywhere you all have been, and want to know all that's happening. George if you need anything, let me or Billie know, we'll be glad to help.. I'll go for now, God bless and keep you, Always

  2. That's really a beautiful post and picture. Sure do miss you Guys!! George
