Friday, May 11, 2012

All good things come to those who wait.

Hi everyone,  Well they came and moved Dani to a transport gerney to take her to the surgery ward.  We packed up all our stuff and were standing at the elevator waiting to all get on when a nurse from the surgical ward stepped out and asked..... are you Danielle?  We all said yes and she then told us the surgery was cancled till tomorrow morning.   She said that doc Bavaria was in surgery doing 2 lung transplants today and he was worried about starting Danielle's surgery to late in the day.  The nurse said she would be the first one tomorrow to get surgery.  Actually I was pretty happy about that.  I dont want the doctor doing surgery on her after 2 other really hard surgeries in a row.  So now we will wait one more night before he operates.  First thing Dani said was... "good can i eat now"?  hahaha  Dion and I walked down to the potbelly restraunt and ordered her a sandwich and a drink.  We all had lunch here in the room.  We have been calling family and letting them know of the changed plans...I think it was a big relief on all of us as Dani and Dion are fast asleep right now. 
   George thanks for trying to load those cute pictures of dani.  I bet everyone would have loved them. I have a picture i think you all might enjoy.......We have 2 pecan trees out on our property and one day Dani comes walking in the house holding this post it note up just looking at me.. i look at the note then at Dani and all Icould do was burst out laughing!!!  What a sense of humor Dani has ... Heres the picture...judge for your self... I will let you all know of any changes as soon as we know anything but as for now we are just enjoying the rest of the day laughing and eating and waiting.  Love you all ...Vel

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