Tuesday, May 8, 2012

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”

Hola everyone! We're here in the hotel lobby and thought we'd update everyone on our adventure thus far.
After an afternoon of tying up loose ends and visiting with family and an all nighter of packing and hanging out with friends, Triz took us to the Sunport bright and early Monday morning. (It wasn't even bright yet, just early. lol) After a two and a half hour flight to Chicago, we had a two hour layover at Midway. I don't think I've ever had so much fun in an airport! They have these moving walkways that are basically conveyer belts that you stand on and they move you down the halls so you don't have to walk. The funny part was when people would actually walk across the already moving walkways! It's like everyone there went and got themselves in a big stinkin' hurry!! I told Dion that was my kind of walking! I mean really, if I could go on those kinds of walks, I'd exercise everyday!! Well, after 45 minutes or so of "walking" we grabbed some breakfast and relaxed at our gate for the remainder of the layover. Another hour and a half later we touched down in Philadelphia. Talk about a crazy airport! We must have waited at baggage claim for 20 minutes! We took a taxi to the hotel, but he decided to drop us off at the hospital instead. It's okay, though, 'cause we figured out the bridge system right away.
Our hotel room is very nice! There's a huge window overlooking the city skyline, and it is gorgeous at night, Mom. We also have a table and chairs, a desk, a dresser, a fridge, freezer and microwave, a flat screen, and a bed that has to be bigger than a king!
After checking in and letting our loved ones know we had made it safely, we decided to go  explore the area a little bit. We walked all around 33rd and 34th Street from Spruce to Walnut. It was a blast from the past when we walked into a food court that Mom and I frequented during our last stay in Philly. The Taco Bell inside of it is where we tried so desperately to ease our Mexican food withdrawls! We eventually came back to the hotel for the night and unpacked and ordered delivery Chinese food...That has got to be one of the best things ever, delivery Chinese food! We probably ordered enough to feed a whole family, but it was totally worth it! We got 3 meals out of it, too!
Today we woke up bright and early to head over to HUP. I had an echo done and then met with my surgeon. Come to find out, I might not get my heart surgery done afterall...He says I definitely need the surgery, I just might not need it right now. Basically, even though the valves leak, the rest of my heart function is pretty healthy  and he would like for me to be sicker before having such a major opperation. He is going to admit me on Thursday still for the heart cath, which will give him a better understanding of the condition of my heart and then we will make the final decision about having surgery or not. Prayers for this specific situation would be greatfully appreciated. I really don't know what we should do. To me it's like getting bronchitis and waiting to go to the doctor until you have chronic pnemonia. If you take care of the illness in the early stages you have more resiliance and strength to fight,  but if you wait it is  harder to fix and recooperate from. Will I be more resilliant if he does this major surgery now compared to when I'm suffering from more severe heart failure? I feel like I have to opportunity to be proactive. Like, if your car had an oil leak and you knew that if you kept driving it the leak would worsen. So you go into Autozone and pick up the part to fix the leak. You pick it up, hold it in your hand, AND can afford to buy it. Are you going to put it back and think "oh, I'll just let it get worse before making it better?" Or are you going to nip the issue in the bud? I just wish I had better guidence because it seems like he'll do the surgery if I want him to or wait if I want him to. I just don't know how I "ll go back home and let my health continue to deteriorate...
Anyhoo, after talking with the surgeon we went back to the hotel for some leftovers and then back to the hospital for more tests. This time I had to have a pregnancy test, an EKG, 6 tubes of blood drawn, and a chest x-ray. By the time that was all done with, it was naptime! For dinner tonight we went to Potbelly, which is a sandwich shop that is connected to the lobby of Penn Tower. It is a pretty good little place! They were rockin some Steve Miller band and had some awesome milkshakes! Yummy =0)
It's crazy to think about, but even though we went back and forth all day, we only went outside once! That's how connnected everything is!
I  already miss the New Mexico sky. Two days here and  two days without sun. We also miss all of our friends and family. But we're grateful for all of the prayers and support!
We're gonna head back upstairs and turn in for the night. Goodnight and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet sister. We prayed and continue to pray for you, trusting whatever decision you, Dion, and the doctor make will be the best. It was a lot of time psyching up for a big surgery and would be hard to NOT do that. But, I ask God to make clear to you what is best for you in the long run. We love you!
