Tuesday, May 8, 2012

what lies behined us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us

Dani and Dion arrived safely in philly yesterday. She called me on a lay-over in Chicago airport.  She told me that one of their friends had taken them to the Airport.  (Thanks that was so nice of u!).  The next call came from the Penn Towers in Phillidelphia they had checked in.  They walked a few of the blocks around the city and Dani called telling me she found a food court that she and I had both found on our last trip there.  She said they had a long day and that they were going to go back to their room and order chinese and have it delivered to their room. Philly has the 3rd largest china town in the USA.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia
   This morning she called, said she was at the hospital and had just had an ecco done, was waiting to go in and see Dr Joseph Bavaria. http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/surgery/clin/ct/ctad2.html   He was the doctor that preformed Daniells first heart surgery 5 years ago.  After they finish with the tests they plan on going to eat at the food court and go to the Ronald Mc donald house where she and I stayed on the last trip. This Place is like Wowsa!  The very first Ronald Mc Donald House was in Philly. Its a mansion!  here are a few pictures of the RMR in philly where dani is taking Dion todaay. http://www.philarmh.org/photo-gallery/album/article/chestnut-street-house/20/ 


  1. I'm sure I will be asked to log in and it will not remember anything I told it to remember and I will will go stomping of in disgust. So good luck Dani, Love you.

  2. Wahoooo it worked! I only had to refresh the squiggly pass words 5 times until I found one I could read. But I might not get so lucky again. If I get on here three times in a row I think I'll actually leave a real message.
