Friday, May 11, 2012

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.

Well we have more changes to report.... right after I left the hospital to come back here to the little row house im staying in and relax a bit before the big day tomorrow,  Dani called to tell me that I had just missed Dr Bavaria.  He had come to tell Dani that he had preformed an aortic graft surgery and 2 lung transplants today.  He also told her that he had decided to reschedule her surgery for monday first thing in the morning.  He told her that her surgery was so complex that he was gathering a team of doctors to help him preform it and he didnt like the idea of starting the surgery over a weekend.  He said there was a better crew of support staff during the week and he would feel much better making her the first case on monday. 
    So we will now wait till monday for her surgery.  I think we are all glad about his decision.  I had kinda wondered about a weekend surgery too.  Im also glad that they are waiting because i can spend mothers day with my daughter and it wont be in an ICU ward.  :)  
    And to all of you that have been praying today for dani thinking she was in surgery, I thank you, and i've heard that heaven has gone green and has started to recycle prayers.  (hehehe a little humor there).
    Dani is resting peacefully now with Dion by her side.  Im back at my little house for the night with a nice Philly pizza and a Dr Pepper and I even splurged and bought a piece of cherry cheesecake for dessert.  
    We will once again gear up for the big surgery on monday....but tonight im going to try and relax and take a little breather from all the stress and worry.  Good night everyone and thankyou for all your support and prayers this last week.  Vel     P.S.   You know I've never been on a roler coaster... I wonder if this is what it feels like ?  What a ride! 

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